
Breastfeeding and taking birth control?

I have read the different options for breastfeeding women and what kind of birth control they are allowed to take while breastfeeding...

I have read the mini pill- which is NOT even effective if you don't take it the same time every day. So I'd have to be really on top of that. And with everything else going on I'm afraid I won't remember every single day- unless I set an alarm on my phone which I would end up having to do. I'm terrified of getting pregnant again.

I also learned about Mirena. But the whole idea of that freaks me out and no one ever seems to have a good experience with it.

My post partum check up is tomorrow, and I will be discussing my options with my midwife. however it would be very helpful if anyone would be able to shine some light on the subject... I'm so frickin scared!

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