
Sudden drop in supply?

Hi ladies,

 I was hoping that you could help me figure out what might be causing a sudden drop in supply. I work FT and pump three times a day while I'm away from my LO (who is almost 6 months old).

Usually my first morning pump I'll get 3-4 ounces on one side and 4-5 on the other (nicknamed the super boob). After that, the non-super boob side will give me 2-3 during the other pumping sessions.

Today I've struggled to get an ounce on the that side during my sessions. I felt around and don't seem to have any plugged ducts that I can find. The other side seems to be pumping mostly normal.

I'm not due for a visit from AF for another 7-10 days. I've been getting over a cold for about a week now, so I'm not on any medications.

ETA: I replaced the valves on my pump after my first session this morning. Suction seems to be fine on both sides.

Any thoughts that you might have would be greatly appreciated.


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