
Freezer stash- How to use?

I am breastfeeding exclusively, except for maybe a bottle of breast milk per week (if that).  I pump once in the morning.  I get anywhere from 3oz to 6oz (the last few days have been a lot more!).

I started freezing milk since obviously we aren't using it very quickly.  I have some bags of milk in the freezer from the end of February.  How long (in a normal freezer) can I expect it is "good"?  

My second question, would I be wise to start rotating out some frozen milk?  Like using that instead of the fresh or maybe mixing it 1/2 and 1/2??  The only reason I ask is I don't want all of this frozen milk to go to waste!  I am hoping to bf to at least 4 months (short term goal) or 6-7 months (long term goal).  I am thinking it would be nice to be able to slowly "wean" (I know they will still need formula) by using my freezer stash. 

There is a chance I will try EPing once I need to stop breast feeding since I think one limiting factor will be the inability to feed them at the same time (once they get too big to do this).  I would go insane if I had to feed them one at a time ALL the time since they eat every 2 hours during the day and sometimes take 30-45 minutes.  

But when I go to work, my job really won't allow for the kind of schedule to pump so that will mean the end of any kind of breastfeeding.  I'm not planning to go back until August at the earliest and the girls will be 7 months.  Quite honestly I might even wait till next year (Jan '13) to go back though...  We'll see! 

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