3rd Trimester

Question for all of you 2X+ moms out there (advice please?)

Hello Moms,

 So, I have a dilemma.  I work in a facility where women are taking 2-3 week maternity leaves (?!!!!) or are working part time during their 6 week maternity leave (only one woman I know has taken the full 12 weeks off).  I have already requested 6 paid weeks off (offered by my employer through paternal leave) and I know that, by FMLA, I have another 6 weeks that I could take that would dip into my vacation and sick leave (which I have).  Right now, I have officially been given the requested 6 weeks off with the idea that I could request the other 6 later on if I need it.  This is my first LO and my bff is now telling me that this is insane and that I should ABSOLUTELY request the full 12 weeks off with the idea that:  A. I will most likely need it and B. it would look a lot better to my employer if I came back early from 12 weeks requested leave than if I asked for more leave during my already scheduled 6 weeks maternity leave.  Does anybody have any other advice or opinions to offer?  Should I take the 6 weeks off with the idea that I can request more or should I take the 12 weeks off with the idea that I could go back early (which I know I wouldn't do)?  I feel a bit conflicted.  I don't think that it will ever be easy to leave her and go back to work whether it be at 6 weeks or 12 weeks, but I don't want to short change LO because I don't know what I'm doing.  : (

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