3rd Trimester

MIL using DH's and BIL's Info- Rant. She is awful.


I am going to try and shorten an extremely long story-

My mother in law is a gem. When my brother in law got married, my BIL and SIL co-signed a loan so she could afford to go to their destination wedding. She ended up changing her phone number and disappeared for months, BIL and SIL had to pay the loan with their wedding money.

She uses my husband's and his brother's information to sign up for things- When she took her dog to the vet she used my husband's name and address, so we started receiving bills.

When we lived in the same town as her she would come over and steal DH's quarters. We had a milk jug full (500 dollars worth of quarters) and she dwindled it downto $138.

She is constantly trying to leech.

Here is her latest fiasco-

She somehow forged my BIL's signature and got his credit score run at a dealership for a CAR LOAN. How could a car place run his credit without him there or his REAL consent? IT SEEMS SO CRAZY!

BIL called the dealership- and we all called every dealership in her town to warn them about her. She has no job and no money, so there is no way she will ever get a car. None of us mind this as we live in a different town. BIL told her that next time something happens he is calling the police and DH warned her if she pulls this crap on us (as we are pregnant and trying to get a home) that we would IMMEDIATELY call the authorities.


Over Christmas she mysteriously came up with 3,000 dollars to spend on gifts, cigarettes and drugs for herself and refused to tell us where she got it... (Sketchy, much?)


I understand that she is DH?s mother- but she has brought nothing positive to our lives. Her goal in life seems to be to screw over her successful sons who worked their butts off DESPITE her and their upbringing.


Rant over.




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