3rd Trimester

FTM Advice on Baby coming early.....

I just wanted to throw this out there because i see alot of posts from FTMs that say they know their baby is coming early.  Trust me....ive been there and i did the same thing!! :)

DS was due May 19th, but i was so big and uncomfortable in April that i just "knew" he was gonna be early.  I was so convinced that i even would tell people that my due date was closer to the 5th. Plus i had dialated to 2cm by May 1st, so that got me thinking that my intuition was correct!  This is why many doctors will not do an internal too early because it gives moms false hope that dilation means labor will start right away.

Guess what happened on the 5th?  Nothing.  Guess what happened a week later?  Nothing.  I finally went into labor on the 17th (still at 2cm) and he was born on the 19th, his due date exactly. I can tell you that the 2 weeks before he was due was the longest part of the pregnancy EVER!!! I had done such a good job at convincing my mind he was coming early, that i actually would feel like he was late after the 5th.

I just wanted to pass along this advice because with this one, i am sticking to my due date and not even thinking about an early baby. :)  i wish i would have done it differently the first time.  GL!!!

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