2nd Trimester

Jelly Beans instead of Glucose drink?!?!?!

So I went for my glucose and as I'm drinking the not so fun drink (it's not terrible - but it's not my favorite) I was talking to the guy administering the test and said "I wish I could just eat a bag of Easter candy and then you take my blood".  And he said "Actually some dr's let their patients eat 18 Brach's jelly beans instead of doing the drink".  Ummmm I would have preferred that - not sure how accurate, but I googled it and apparently some dr's do allow it.  Interesting - I could totally down 18 jelly beans!  Well this is my last kid and hopefully my last glucose test - but I thought I'd share -doesn't hurt to ask your dr's  - you do need a script for it.  I'd love for my dr to write me a script to eat 18 jelly beans : )
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