3rd Trimester

Baby is here!

Two weeks ago, at 38 weeks and two days pregnant, after having only two contractions (10 minutes a part), my water broke (kind of funny because I was standing in the kitchen and had just spilled my glass of water and cleaned it up, and then was standing at the fridge refilling my water when there was a "pop" and my water broke), made it to the hospital 15 minutes later and was dilated to a 4, progressed to a 7/8 within an hour and then after an hour and a half of pushing (baby's head was wedged sideways), our beautiful baby boy Hunter (sex was a surprise) was born!!!  A quick (although not painless- I did have an intrathecal) 4 1/2 hour labor/ successful vbac!!

We are now settling in at home and so in love with our little man!

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