2nd Trimester

Too late to get in shape?

So, I was pretty thin pre-pregnancy (5'8'' and 130lbs). However, I was never that fit/toned/muscular. I am an equestrian and was riding 2-3 times a week (down from more frequently) for the month or so before I got pregnant, then rode once/week through the first trimester (with doctor clearance and some modifications). That was basically my activity, and while riding is a good sport for a variety of muscle groups, I wasn't doing supplemental training at the gym or anything.

Now, I'm doing nothing. I'm sure my muscles from riding are probably gone. Isn't it sad how quickly tone goes away when you stop exercising? I've only gained about 5-6lbs, but I'm showing early for a FTM. My bump has been there for awhile and this past week two coworkers told me I'm really starting to look pregnant. I've heard the reason FTMs show later than other moms is because your stomach muscles "hold" things back...so to me, this feels like evidence that I had very weak stomach muscles to begin with.

The other day I had a mini-meltdown with L&D anxiety. How can I deliver naturally if I'm so out of shape? Everything I read indicates being very fit is extremely helpful in delivery, and I'm going to try to avoid as many interventions as possible. Plus, a friend of mine who is pregnant did body fit and other workout classes until like two weeks before her due date, so I'm feeling inadequate.

The obvious solution is to start working out, etc., but I also read you shouldn't really start a new exercise program while pregnant. My doctor cleared me for "going to the gym" over the phone, but I haven't had a chance for a long talk with him about it.

Thoughts? Advice? I'm going to start walking/doing a treadmill, but how much will this really help my core muscles? Will prenatal yoga help, or is that not strenuous enough to actually build muscles? Am I over-reacting?

Sorry for the novel... so far, this is my first real pregnancy "freak out," haha. 

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