3rd Trimester

Anyone with line indentations in legs?

Hi Ladies,

I noticed last night when I got off the treadmill that I had 3 slightly darker pigmented lines on calf with a very slight indentation to them. Very slight. Anyhow, I put my legs up drank a bunch of water put of some cooling pregnancy foot cream and went to bed. Got up this morning they were gone. 

Then, tonight at dinner I noticed I had one appear again on the other lower leg with a slight indentation. Put my feet up and it seemed to help. 

Is this just fluid getting stuck in these certain places. The rest of my ankles and legs do not appear swollen. But I am sure with the pregnancy there is some fluid maybe there just not as noticeable as you would think. 

But I was wondering if there is anyone else that seems to be experiencing this. It seems odd that it's linear. 


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