3rd Trimester

*UPDATED* Advice Needed- HOT temps/summer baby

I'm due in June (almost to third tri, but not quite). My DH is a band director, and I work for him as his Color Guard instructor. 

I'm starting to get worried about dressing a newborn for summer weather, we've had a few days of record breaking heat here in East TN lately, so I'm concerned about what the summer is going to bring.  

What I'm REALLY concerned about is Band camp though. We have NO choice but to take LO to band camp because there isn't family in the area that can baby sit, and the only day care in the area won't take him that early (if he comes on time he'll be only three weeks at camp). DH changed the time of camp from 9 to 5 like usual, to noon to 9 instead. We're also planning to start out inside in sectionals, so from noon to 5:30 I'll be inside teaching and LO will be with me. But from 5:30 to 9PM we'll be outside on the field, which is turf. The turf BAKES in the sun and the field is typically about 6-7 degrees hotter. 

The band parents usually set up a large gazebo-type tent on the sideline so that they have some shade (theres also usually some red cross people that sit in on camp just in case, and they also have a large tent) So there is going to be some shade that he can hang out under. Our stroller is the B-Agile so it lays back and has that huge mesh window so air can get through the stroller. 

So, my questions: Do you think LO will be ok in 90+ degree weather if he's 1) In the shade, 2) Wearing only diaper and onesie (maybe just diaper?), and 3) has a fan on him? 

On the fan part of that question: Do you think I could find a small fan that would attach to the stroller? 


Thanks for any input!  


ETA: I'm NOT asking whether or not you think I can DO it. I've been teaching CG for years and I know what it requires of me and of my body, and I'm making preparations NOW so that at camp I don't have to do as much. I'm only asking for suggests as to how to keep LO cool while were outside from 6 to 9 (three hours, NOT all day)  

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