3rd Trimester

mom (vent) what to do??

So I've really been working on the ignoring what people say and do towards me because lately a lot of it had been super overwhelming... especially for someone hormonal and ready to be done being pregnant.  But, for some reason, it seems that no matter how much I try to ignore my mother, she just continues to do things that either hurt my feelings or irritate me.  From the beginning of this pregnancy, she was a bit disappointed that I put my career on hold to have a baby.  She apparently had other plans for my life as she's always been quite controlling (I'm 26 married and an attorney, btw).  

Anyways, since I got pregnant she has pretty much made it her mission to make me feel like my baby is not that important, doesn't need the things I registered for, and that I should focus on other things besides my baby.  This is really getting on my nerves because my sister just had her third baby in January and she is over the moon for this baby, cant do enough for her, and thinks she needs all sorts of stuff that apparently my baby doesn't need.  Now I love my new niece and I appreciate my mom and all that she does, because I know she does a lot for me (i.e. throwing my shower), but I can't help but feel like she thinks me and my baby are more of a pain in the ass than anything else.  She threw a fit over the nursery, demanded that it be a train theme, and now tells me she hates the set up and she wants it moved now.  I also asked her a question about swaddling blankets, to which she replied that my baby didn't need all this crap and that I should save my money to finish my kitchen backsplash.  Then she TELLS me that she will be babysitting my baby when I go back to work.  She's really driving me up the wall.  I'm kinda getting tired of the negativity and bossiness, but every time I try to explain it to her she calls me ungrateful and starts a fight.  I've also tried to ignore it, but obviously that just makes her do it more.  Anyone else have a similar problem that ended up in something other than more fighting?  Suggestions, please!

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