3rd Trimester

clingy toddler = bedtime disasters

My 3 year old has gotten so clingy at nighttime.  She won't let me leave the room anymore.  When I do, she keeps calling for me.   If DH goes in, she cries and comes running out to me.  I've been trying to be sympatethic to what she is going through with the upcoming baby and giving her extra attention.  Tonight I left after the "usual" two books and songs and was able to get DH to sit in there with her but I had to sit outside her room to keep her calm.  Then she keeps calling or sending kisses out for reassurance.  Meanwhile, my husband has come out and is not watching tv on the couch while I "keep watch" outside her room.  Vent over

 Anyone in similar situations with clingy/nervous children before the new baby??

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