2nd Trimester

Am I not pregnant enough?

I mean people keep on commenting on how small I am. All week that is all I hear. They ask me how far along I am...I tell them 6 months....then they look at me in disgust and say " you look like 2 or 3 months" "you are tiny little thing" "is your baby ok?"  "your baby is small" "your stomach is nothing...you dont even look pregnant" "are you sure there is a baby in there" "Do you see a doc on a regular basis? I would ask them about your size"


I dont think I am too small or too big. I eat right, I take my Prenatal V, I stay active (so does my baby lol) and I have actually gained the right amount of weight. Nothing has changed on me but a little bump and I am okay with that. I just wish some people would learn to keep certain comments to themselves. If I didnt know that I was healthy....I would have freaked out over some of the comments.


Has anybody else gotten this? or maybe the opposite? what are the rudest comments you have gotten so far in this journey?

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