D.C. Area Babies

Who gives their child meds every day?

So, DD has a kidney reflux issue and has to be on a daily mild antibiotic to prevent infections. She's been on them for about a month now and she HATES it. We've tried everything - diluting, sneaking it in food, Pedialyte, formula, breast milk, water - but she tastes it immediately and refuses it. So, we basically have to hold her down every day and she still manages to spit most of it out every time, no matter what we do. Wednesday was the last straw when she vomited her whole breakfast, along with the meds, all over DH after we tried to force it into her. She had her 6 mo. check-up yesterday and her pedi gave us another prescription which she says tastes better so I'll see if we can try and get it in her again somehow but forcing it down her throat with a syringe is nearly impossible now because she knows what's happening and manages to spit it out no matter what. Ugh. And the pedi said she'll have to be on this medicine until she outgrows this reflux issue which may not be until she's 18 months old! Help!
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