3rd Trimester

update: anyone care to send positive T&P's?

My fundal height was measuring 5cm behind yesterday at my 36 wk appt so I had another u/s to check on fetal size but more importantly amniotic fluid.  Baby is estimated to weigh 6lbs 1oz (44th %ile) and fluid index is 11cm (which is below the 50th %ile but is still very normal and stable from my last fluid index 2 weeks ago of 11.5cm).  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am hiding the baby somewhere in my torso.  That is hilarious to me as I have a short torso and my abdominal muscles have split in the middle (diastasis recti), so you would think it would stick out more.  oh well, we are on track and baby gets to simmer for a while yet.  Thanks for all the positive energy sent to us!

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