2nd Trimester

Midwife Never Concerned About Spotting

I just wanted to know if this was normal for a midwife. For my first pregnancy I used an obgyn. I know that midwives do things differently but I was wondering if anyone can offer any insight. In the last two and a half weeks I have had pinkish/reddish spotting four times. It is never a lot. Maybe a spot or two the size of a pinky nail on the toilet paper when I wipe. It most recently happened on Sunday.

Whenever this happens I inform my midwife. Two times I went in and she used the doppler to check the heartbeat. It is always fine. She keeps telling me that what I am describing doesn't sound uterine. But she has never checked anything, not my cervix, not my urine, nada.

I know midwives are more hands off but this seems really hands off. Is this normal fora midwife?  

Husband and I are both carriers of Delta F508, one of the many mutations that cause Cystic Fibrosis. We pray for a cure.
D-IUI #1 September 2011 ~ BFN D-IUI #2 October 2011 ~ BFP!
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