2nd Trimester

FINALLY, the day has come....

....that I get to hear my baby's heartbeat. With my OB practice, they dont listen via a doppler until atleast 12ish weeks. Last time, I got a quick u/s b/c I have a tilted uterus (and she couldnt find HB with the doppler), so I also got to see my baby! Kind of hoping I can sweet talk her into giving me a sneak peak again. :-) I understand my doctor's reasoning for not doing so many ultrasounds, etc. (ok, myabe I dont fully get it, but whatever) and I cant believe I am 1/3 of the way through the pregnancy and have no idea if everything is okay in there! UGH.

Happy 1st Day of Spring! And its Hunger Games week on GMA. So....today should be a very good day. :-)

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