2nd Trimester

Family and baby's sex... *vent*

My DF and I found out the sex two weeks, but we were in agreement to keep it a secret. We want to announce at the baby shower. We want to have a total of four kids and with this being the first, we want to keep everything in gender neutral colors. We know our family and even if they knew this and we registered for all gender neutral, the vast majority would by gender specific thinking "Its too cute, I have to get it... Other people will buy neutral stuff!" So keeping it a secret until that point is just easiest. Of course, we told the hosts of the shower - our moms and my grandma - since they would be planning and they were all very supportive of the idea of keeping it a secret until my shower in a few months. However, my sister somehow found out they knew... No one told her the sex and so she was hounding me about telling her saying "But I won't tell anybody!!" We told her no, that we will announce at the shower, that most people are telling us the same thing and if we were to give in to everyone who said that everyone would know, and there would be no surprise reveal at the shower. 

The issue is she then tells my dad that our moms and my grandmother know, but didn't tell him the reason behind it. My parents got divorced not even two years ago, and it is a well known fact that I'm closer to my mom. So my dad interpreted this as we were doing it out of spite, and were just keeping it from him but telling the rest of the world. So yesterday I get angry messages from him because he is hurt over the whole situation, and today my step brother messages me saying how I hurt my dad by not telling him... So I called my sister and went off about how she shouldn't have said anything and if she did she should have explained the reasoning why... And know she's mad at me too. So on what seemed like a good idea with keeping things a secret to make it easier on everybody, it is becoming a huge PITA and I just want to shout it out completely and be done with it.

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