2nd Trimester

Mother's day (poll)

We will be in town for Mother's Day this year (we live out of state) and I'd like to get a head start on gifts for my mom and MIL.

I dont ever have a hard time for gift ideas for my mom..but MIL had said not so nice things about kid craft gifts so it turns me off whenever I think of things for her..

Anyway I was thinking of making my mom a 12month calendar or this..

http://pinterest.com/pin/265290234269833072/ (Im not sure if I will put them on tiles or something else-but I like this idea). My thought is to make one with my brother and his wife, one of me and DH, one with my younger brother and sister together, one of DS, and one with a sonogram pic of DS2.

What do you like better??


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