2nd Trimester

Job vent

Sorry for the vent I am just really frustrated currently. Does anyone have a job that they feel like may not be the best thing to be doing as a pregnant lady and just stuck. I work 3 days a week in a hospital and am on my feet for a good bit of the day no matter how hard I try to not be. Days that I am not working I feel great but days that I am working I end up with Braxton Hicks and cramps and my hips feel like they are going to just fall off my body. I have gone from 12 hr days to 8 hrs but I still feel like total crap.I also get alot of " well I worked the whole time I was preg so I dont know what your problem is" from alot of coworkers. I applied for short term disablilty too late so it doesnt apply to this preg so I am stuck working until I go on Mat leave so I can keep my insurance. ARG! I'm just so paranoid about putting myself into preterm labor or something from overdoing it.

Miscarriage at 6 wks 04/11 Miscarriage at 7 weeks 8/11 BFP 10/8/11 - Stick little baby! BabyFruit Ticker
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