2nd Trimester

XP: anxiety meds?

is anyone else going through the awesome (read: sarcasm) transition of one anxiety med to another? 

I was diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder a couple years ago, and have been successfully taking Lexapro for about 4 years. well now that I'm pregnant, my doctor has requested that I transition to Zoloft, which has proven to be safer for baby. I took Lexapro through the 1st trimester, as it would be safer to have the anxiety under control than to just stop taking it. 

so I'm now taking 100mg of Zoloft and really fighting anxiety on a daily basis. I just switched from 50mg to 100mg last week and I can already tell that I'll need to increase the dosage again. has anyone else experienced this?

TTC since October 2010 | BFP 12/29/11 | RRQ BORN 08/26/12
planned | married | blogged
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