3rd Trimester

Well that was fun...

Woke up this morning with a stomach ache.  I figured it was just the way baby was sitting, and/or the slice of pizza I had last night, and then fell back asleep (hubby was getting ready for classes, today is my day to sleep in).  When I finally woke up my stomach hurt a little less, and then I went to the bathroom.  When I went to wipe, there was blood (only from wiping in the front, not the back).  My stomach stopped hurting after I went to the bathroom, and the blood was faint.  I called my OB, talked to them, and they said that if the bleeding continues to come in.  


Not fun, that isn't the first time it's happened to me either.  When I first got pregnant I had a scare like that.  I'm now thinking it's just straining from going to the bathroom, but still kind of scary.


LO is moving around like crazy, so I know she's okay.  I almost half-expect her to pop out of my stomach with as often as she's moving, LOL. 

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