2nd Trimester

Stress/grieving during pregnancy

Can baby feel a mother's stress or sadness?

Our little dog escaped from our backyard Saturday night and I am absolutely beside myself. We got her when I was 8, and she is now 18 years old, partially blind and deaf, but in excellent health. I have my prepared myself mentally for her death being that she is so old, but NEVER would have imagined it would happen like this. We have searched everywhere in our neighborhood. In bushes, backyards, the woods...everywhere. She could not have gotten far seeing as she only had a 2 1/2 hour time frame and she is blind, deaf, and very slow moving. Usually she just goes straight to the front door and begs to get in if she ever gets out. We have flyers up, we called all the local vets and shelters and even animal control. We have no clue what could have happened to her and this is just not the way we pictured losing our best friend of 18 years. There is no way for my family and I to get closure and I am really taking it hard. She was like a child to me.

I have been a basket case the past several days and I cry at the drop of a hat. I have gotten little sleep and I am having a hard time coping with the tragedy of her death with no closure. I am still eating normally and trying my best to not stress for the baby's sake, but I am concerend. Can my mood be making him sad/stressed?

Also, if any of you have gone through something like this (or worse) during pregnancy, how did you cope. I know she was just a pet, but she was the closest thing to me that has ever died and I am really struggling with my grief. Thanks.


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