2nd Trimester

Exercise and RLP

I have been experiencing RLP for a few weeks now (I'm 23 weeks currently). It's usually when I'm in a certain position or when I move to quickly or something like that, and is usually relieved by changing positions and stuff like that. But, since the weather here has been so nice, my husband and I have gone out for long (2-3 miles) walks, which isn't out of the ordinary for us. But while walking I was experiencing what I'm assuming is RLP but it was definitely more painful than it has been. Yesterday we had to stop several times because of the pain. Is this something I should be concerned about? Or has anyone else experienced this? I know one of the things I read about exercising was to stop or take it easy if I had cramping, but it RLP the same as cramping? It feels different to me, this pain is more sharp and lasts longer. 
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