2nd Trimester

Spinning Classes - yay or nay?

This past fall I was just starting to get into spinning. I attended regular classes for 2-3 months and really enjoyed them. 

Then three things happened. DH was out of town for 2 weeks, so I couldn't go (class is at 6am - can't exactly leave DS at home by himself while I go to the gym), then I got sick, then it was the holidays (OOT), then I was pregnant and was way too exhausted to get up at 5:30am.

So now I'm 16 weeks pregnant and am feeling tons better and want to get back into an exercise routine, but I haven't been to a class since early December. At this point, should I go back? I know they say you can continue an exercise routine if you were already doing it before you were pregnant - but 3 months has passed now...

Also I'm not sure about the pounding the crotch area takes in the class and if that's a problem... Anyone know? 

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