3rd Trimester

From 1/2 cm. to 3 cm. in 3 days!

I'm 36 weeks now and I went in for my normal check up on Thursday and I was dilated a 1/2 cm.  I went to triage last night because of contractions and some discharge and I ended up having an infections.  But, now i'm dilated to 3 cm. and it's only been 3 days!  Does this mean the baby's coming soon?  I've heard of people being dilated to 3 or even 4 cm. for weeks before they have their baby.  I'm only wondering because, to me, it seems fast to dilate that much in only a couple days.  With my first pregnancy I wasn't dilated at all and ended up being induced at 41 weeks.  But, this pregnancy been different.  I've had a yeast infection and now this infection. 
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