3rd Trimester

Kidney Stones!

I am 38 weeks and just got home after being admitted to the hospital with kidney stones for 3 days, has anyone else experienced this and how did you survive?!

I woke up with excruciating pain, knew it wasn't labor but obviously something wasn't right. I threw up twice before I got to the hospital the pain was so bad. Once admitted (to a delivery room) the baby was put on a monitor and I was hooked up to an iv. They checked for dialation twice that night (double ouch) and after 24 hours in a delivery room they determined this didnt throw me into labor and moved me to the maternity suite where I stayed for another day. The whole time was getting sick, nauseous, poked with needles, had an ultrasound and no sleep at all

I was sent home with pain meds which make me sick, and since I've been home a few days that pain has come back off and on. From what I understand its the stone working its way through the ureter, I just wish it would get there faster!

My biggest worry is that I have put stress on the baby with my discomfort, even though they tell me baby is absolutely fine. I also now jump at every pain wondering if its stones or labor!

Have any of you had kidney stones and how long did they stick around for? I am coming up on a week and don't know that I see the end in sight. I just really want them gone before baby arrives!

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