2nd Trimester


What is everyone registering for?  I have lights and sounds that I use with DS#1 but I will still need to use it even when LO comes.  I just can't hear a thing when DS#1 is in his room sleeping alone.  

If I get another lights and sounds will it have bad reception with my first monitor?  I'm was thinking on on channel A the other on B.  Anyone have experience with 2 monitor in one house?  Is there one monitor, for two separate spaces?

AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers www.DuPageSlingers.Blogspot.com
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