2nd Trimester

Finding a job at 20+ weeks pregnant?

As I've mentioned in other posts, I can't work yet because I'm waiting on green card. However, we just got notice that as long as we send in a little bit of paperwork we missed, I'll have it within 90 days. Now, yes, "within 90 days" could mean "in 90 days", but from my experience with USCIS it usually means "you'll have it in a month".

I know I'm in an unfortunate position because I'm not American, and some people take the whole "damn these foreigners taking our jobs" thing very seriously (trust me). So I'm starting my search and applying to places now, explaining that I'm waiting on a green card and I estimate it to be here by *date*. I'm looking for paralegal work, and have some experience.

Here's the thing: what do I do about being pregnant? I don't want to lie to a potential employer - not that I can hide it anymore, anyway - but come on. "Hi, I'll be available to work at some time in the near future, but then I'll have to leave because I'm pregnant"? Doesn't exactly scream "hire me now", does it? Add to that that I want to be a SAHM when baby comes, so I'm basically only looking for a temporary job... How do I approach this? I'm applying for these jobs by letter, because they're far away (we are moving to that area) and I think it looks better than email. Should I mention it in the cover letter, even though they then might decide to not even interview me? Or should I not mention it, and let them decide whether to hire me or not based on my interview, not my uterus? Fffnaarrrghh....

Edit: Also, don't most/some employers in the US provide healthcare benefits or paid maternity leave for pregnant women? What's a tactful way of saying that I don't need/am not expecting that? Even if DH can't find another job after September, the army will cover all that until then. I don't want a potential employer thinking "she's pregnant? She'll want all sorts of coverage, no way".

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