2nd Trimester

How often have you had bloodwork done?

A post on my home board (PAIF) got me thinking about this since I take levothyroxine daily for being hypothyroid. I'm on a pretty low dose (50 mcg) and had my TSH checked at 9 weeks. Doctor said at my next appt he'd write me a lab slip to get it, and other things, checked out again. I'll be around 26 weeks at that point.

I'm thinking of calling the office tomorrow and asking if I can get the blood work done earlier...like this week...since it's been so long. I worry my levels have risen and I may need a higher dose. I've asked my doctor about it before and he wasn't concerned as long as we check it once per trimester.

Just curious how often others have had bloodwork done whether it was for a thyroid condition, iron levels, etc. 

Mr. & Mrs. UMich! July 2006! :-)
It took 44 cycles, just over 3 years, 6 failed IUI's in MI, and 1 round of IVF at CCRM to get our BFP!

Beta #1 (9dp5dt) = 206, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) = 438
1st u/s @ 6w5d = 11/11/11 = ONE little bean! HB 120bpm!
?Our Baby Boy Born June 26th, 2012?

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