3rd Trimester

what is going on with my stomach....... first baby

as many of you know,... this is our first baby.  I am 37 weeks and 4 days today.  During the last week i have had some pretty painful occurences in my lower stomach that feel like intense menstral cramps.... I have also had braxton hicks contractions.... which do not hurt, but feel like a tight sensation.  These painful occurences last anywhere from 1 minute to 3 minutes and do not happen in any order or succession.  Just random.  For examle... i had one on last saruday morning.... tuesday mornings and tonight.  my question to you ladies is, are they real contractions?  What does this mean for my preparation for labor?  Should i be concerned that i am getting close?  Please help, i am rather nervous.  as i mentioned, i was 4 cm dialted on the outside and 1cm in the center as of monday of this week.  my amniotic fluid is normal high at 18cm and mackenzie is measuring a week ahead.  Any advice is always apprecaited.
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