2nd Trimester

The "glowing" comment (small rant)

Ok, recently, I've had a few people tell me I look "glowing". And I may be in the minority here, out of those who have received this compliment, but it almost ticks me off a little.

I know, it's a compliment and I should be thankful. In a way, I am....I realize people could say many other things that aren't as nice about my appearance.

But, the thing is, I DON'T look "glowing" lol. I look exhausted. I have weird patches of eczema around my eyes, bags under my eyes, my skin in a mess, my roots are awful and I feel fat. (I'm not complaining about this as much as it seems like I am....I know it's a part of pregnancy).

I always accept the compliment and say "thank you" (because I hate when you compliment someone and they contradict you).

I guess what ticks me off is that people say it because that's what they think they're SUPPOSED to say?

I dunno. Again, I know people could be saying mush less complimentary things and I'm glad they're not, because in my hormonal state, I'd probably slap them.

Anyone else feel this way? Or is this just me being a little too analytical? 

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