2nd Trimester

Did anyone else notice a huge spike in emotions?

The last couple days I have been seriously nuts. I'm not a crier but I have been crier and freaking out on DH like some kind of high school drama queen. He and I got in a fight and my mom poked fun at me and then I just lost it and slammed my car visor so hard I broke the mirror (I feel like the worlds biggest jerk) I've apologized to him but I dont get it. I have been a bit more moody during the pregnancy but for the most part didnt have a problem keeping myself together. Now everything feels like the end of the world. My cousin had to have her baby transfered to a hospital with a NICU because her newborn might have an intestinal issue and apart from checking in on her I have wanted to do nothing more than go to the hospital myself to have them check my little guy over. I havent had any different cramping no spotting so theres not reason I just find myself feeling bat sh!t crazy and freaking out out of the blue.
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