3rd Trimester

Loving pregnancy... Hating being sick (cracked RIBS!)

I haven't posted in eons but I had some time today to visit the boards and wanted to say hello. I have absolutely loved being pregnant! Yes, there have been many of the symptoms that are listed in the books (stuffiness, heartburn, constipation, frequent peeing, sciatica, tired tired tired, emotional, enlarged bum from gaining too much weight) but there is NOTHING like feeling this little guy move inside me. I thought it was cool when I was in my second trimester. Third trimester is SO much better.

The biggest down side has been the fact that I've had four head colds and the last one developed into bronchitis which led to coughing until I actually fractured ribs on BOTH sides!  And now I'm fighting the calendar because it can take 6 weeks for them to heal. I cannot imagine having to go into labor with the pain that I'm already experiencing.

But I'm so happy that I'm feeling a bit more like myself today.

Baby class tomorrow with my DH. Looking forward to it!

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