3rd Trimester

Just adding another pre-labor symptom to the list (tmi)

This kid is so stubborn. My dr says my body is ready to go...baby is just taking his sweet time. I am 3cm dialated and 90% effaced. I have been losing my mucus plus for a couple weeks, braxton hicks, on and off loose bowel movements, cramping, back pain etc... My dr even had me go through 2 membrane sweeps to get things going and nothing.

Induction is scheduled for Tuesday morning...

 and then today I have my bloody show! ...yeah Im not even going to get my hopes up anymore lol My mom got all excited saying that labor isnt far off now but I have heard that it could still be a few days before contractions even start? How long after your bloody show did you go into labor? I know everyone is different. Im just curious.

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