2nd Trimester

Constant dull pain and a bit freaked out...


 I am 14 weeks. Last week I went to the doctor due to some light bleeding. They did an ultrasound and found I have a slight "tear" where my placenta meets my uterus. They said no biggie, put me on some meds and not to over due it. Bleeding stopped almost immediately. Went back to doc on Thursday, heard the heartbeat, everything seems ok. Not sending me for another u/s for 3 weeks to see if it healed.

Today around 3pm I started having some mild cramping. I have had cramping all along (which doc is aware of and says is normal) but this is different. Typically it has been small pains here and there that go away. This is constant dull pressure like pain in my lower abdomen left side. I would describe it as mild period type cramps. I am kind of freaking out. Anyone else experience anything like this?

TIA for your help... Right now I have a cold water bottle against it which seems to relieve it a bit. I don't want to take Tylenol because my doctor said if I have severe cramping to go to the ER right away and I don't want to mask it... What is severe though???

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