2nd Trimester

Hiring a part-time nanny?

Hi everyone!

I'll be going back to work when the baby is about 5 months old. Initially I was assuming I would use a daycare center, but with my and my husband's schedule, I don't think that will work well. I'm hoping a part-time nanny would fit in our schedule.

Anyone have any experience hiring a part-time nanny? I would need someone three days a week, totaling about 25 hours. I'm worried I'm the gray area between offering someone a full-time job, yet not being flexible enough for a college-student type. 

I'm confused about when to start looking/interviewing. I know for daycare centers, I could start now and reserve a spot if I found someone, but should I wait until closer to when I need care for a nanny (around January)?

Finally, if anyone knows a reasonable rate for the northern NJ area, please let me know. I realize it is about the most important "purchase" I could make, but unfortunately we are on a tight budget. I've seen people quote ranges of $10-$15/hour, but I've also seen $20/hour...


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