3rd Trimester

Was in a lot of pain last night

I went to L&D last night with what felt like very bad menstrual cramps that came about every other minute and lasted a minute. I had been feeling crampy and exhausted and a little nauseous all day, but when it got to be about 10:00pm the pain got to be intolerable. That's when we started timing things and I called my doctor and was told to go to the hospital.

Turns out I wasn't contracting at all. The hospital staff didn't seem puzzled, but they couldn't give me any sort of explanation about the pain I was in. One of the nurses just kept saying, "It's because you have a baby inside of you." Everything looked good, so I left feeling so puzzled. What was up with me??? It wasn't until about 7:00 this morning that I felt better at all. I had been drinking lots of water the whole day to make sure the pain wasn't due to dehydration, too.

I was thinking maybe it was just BH contractions, but I've been having those throughout the third trimester and they never felt anything like this. Also, I had a doctor tell me that BH contractions could be picked up by the monitor. 

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Baby Birthday Ticker TickerYou'd better believe I have this framed.
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