3rd Trimester

False start frustration vent (long)

I am a FTM and had contractions on Tues. morn for about 5 hours... they were 5 mins apart and intense, but not painful (about a 4 out of 10).  I had an appt. Wed morn, so I waited it out.  When I went in the Doc said I was 1 centimeter and about 90% effaced. 

I passed part of my mucas plug at about 9.  Went to bed bout 9:30 and woke up at 11:30 with "real" contractions (5 mins apart, about a 7 out of 10). Called my mom at 12:30 and told her to come over (Hubby was at work).  Called L&D who told me get into the tub and call back in 30 mins. 

The contractions weren't getting worse so I took my time getting ready.  Finally my mom (who had started timing them w/o me knowing) asked if I was gonna call the hospital cuz they were about 3 mins apart and it would take us 40 mins to get to the hospital.  I called and they told me to come in.  Got to the hospital at about 2:30.  They intermittently hooked me up and let me walk around as I wanted.  Finally at 8, I was still 1 cen. and 90% effaced. 

They gave me the option of going home and dealing or giving me morphine and passing out for 6 hours... I went home.  I passed the rest of my plug at around 9:30 and contractions slowed enough that I could sleep by 10 (by themselves).  Slept until 2 and started taking slow walks.  By 8 last night, the contractions had completely stopped. 

Woke up at 4 this morning with contractions; but while still intense, they are not as strong or regular (at about a 6 and no rhythm in timing).   

I'm not expecting any diagnosis or anything... just b*tching lol... That and wondering if others have dealt with this.  TIA!

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