3rd Trimester

So do I try to avoid this guy or what?

So a dad from DS daycare is a chiropractor. He asked how I was feeling. I said, ok... Ya know the usual 3rd tri aches and pains etc. He said I should come see him before I give birth to get my hips in place. I say, thank you I might take you up on an adjustment for my neck & back but I think I'm having a repeat c-sec.... 

"Why?!" he asked. Um because DS was breach and now she is too. I mean, she still had time to flip but...."

"I'll flip her!"

..,..um and I just being over sensitive in thinking

A.) back off

B.) who are you again? Yeah, you're not touching my baby. If I want a flip my DOCTOR will do it.

& C.) do not question me getting a c-s... It's none of your business how I birth my children.   

(bumping from phone. Sorry if this is typed all goofy!!)  

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