3rd Trimester

Im SuperBit*h and Im here to ruin your day... long vent

So this may have been a topic recently posted about, but I am feeling like the most horrible person lately! I am 32 weeks and have seen my sleeping hours decrease dramatically over the past few days. Lots of bathroom trips and tossing and turning, trying to get all this belly into a comfortable position, my hands/fingers going numb, You all know these! and I am running on fumes (mostly the ones creeping out of my ears)

I am not sure if its a bunch of tiny things, stress about still wanting to get a few things ready for baby's arrival, worrying about things WAY beyond my control, reading posts about loss during delivery, and having a husband who has been pretty supportive, but I feel like Im all alone now. AND my car wouldn't start the other day, got me all worked up and then magically last night, turned over like there was never anything wrong!

I'd like to think I am just really excited/anxious for her to get here. The pregnancy has been really smooth for me and I feel very lucky (sorry to those who have had it rough, im really not trying to rub it in) I've had heartburn for about 15 weeks, but nothing some tums can't handle. I've only gained about 20 pounds, but I was kinda heavy to begin with so now im feeling really uncomfortable. I love feeling her kick and move around in there, but her favorite spot is right along my rib cage ;)

Hubby is in the Army and works long hours, he comes home and falls asleep or plays video games, Im kinda feeling ignored. Along with that, I do laundry everyday, try to keep the house clean, (domestic duties are not my strong suit, and damn this nesting stuff!) and cook dinner everynight. I think I need to get out more.

My current facebook status says that I cant get along with anyone who isn't a cookie or brownie, anyone else only finding solice in delicious sweets?!


Sorry for the pointless rant, and I really hope I didn't ruin your day

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