3rd Trimester

What to do About Big, Big Baby

I'm almost 39 weeks. At 37.5 weeks Baby was estimated to be 8 pounds. I'm getting concerned and confused. Next Thursday I'm scheduled for yet another ultrasound. If the baby is over 10 pounds by then (and I trust these measurements because babies in my husband's family run very, very big), my doctor is going to discuss the costs and benefits of having a c-section with me. They are not planning on inducing me because of the stats that say induction often results in a c-section anyway--in other words, they say that it will not  increase my chances of having a vaginal birth since I would be on pitocin, confined to being on my back, etc.

Now I have friends telling me they think it's strange that I'm not being induced and that they were induced and they were glad they went this route, other friends telling me they were induced and it was a terrible decision, Lamaze instructors telling me to insist on having a vaginal birth, other friends telling me I definitely want to listen to the doctors if they push for a c-section...I'm just terribly confused and don't know who to trust. I would love to just trust my own instincts, but I'm a first timer and I can't pretend I know what's best. Because I don't. 

I also have a lot of people telling me one thing or another about epidurals. After Lamaze, I decided that since chances were that I was having a big baby I would prefer not to have an epidural if possible because I wanted to be able to be out of bed and use gravity to my advantage since it may be more difficult for me to push her out on my back. But it seems like everyone, even my doctor is telling me epidural, epidural, epidural. Why the push? Am I missing something here? 

Should I just move forward with my vaginal, trying to go without an epidural plan or should I really consider changing it? 



Baby Birthday Ticker TickerYou'd better believe I have this framed.
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