
Had my baby 3/1 via surprise VBAC

Here is the short story... I was scheduled for a RCS today, but woke upon Thursday around 430 to some contractions that I thought could be an upset stomach.  Dozed off and on until about 6 when I woke up DH and let him know I thought i was in labor.  We showered, packed our bag, and got DD situated and headed to the hospital.  Was 4 cm at check in... By the time I got my epidural 30 minutes before my csection time about an hour and a half later, I was complete so I thought I'd give vbac a shot... After 30 minutes of pushing Nora Reese was here at 7 lb 14 oz!

I am so happy I gave it a try.  I did have a grade 3 tear but so far the recovery is like night and day from the csection, even though I consider my CS recovery to have been "easy."  If you are on the fence about giving VBAC a try, I definitely recommend it... by the time I was in the position to try, I decided I had nothing to lose, and would have been disappointed in myself if I had come that far and NOT tried.  My delivery experience this time was much more quiet, peaceful, and emotional for me (which is just about exactly what I felt I missed out on the first time).  Best of luck to all of you!! 

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