2nd Trimester

WWYD- Luxury Baby Items

DH and I decided long before we got actually got pregnant that experiences were more important than things, and we plan to make museum/zoo/aquarium memberships priorities over the latest and greatest toy/gadget/trendy clothing for our little girl.  (We realize she'll need to have the cool backpack & name-brand sneakers.  She can get those for her birthday/Christmas.)

Since we announced our pregnancy, we have received several luxury baby items from a few members of our immediate family.  These were not registry items, Christmas gifts or shower gifts, just "I went shopping for the baby," and these have all come from family members who are not financially stable. 

I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I don't want my child to grow up valuing things over people, and I really don't want my family members spending money they don't have, especially on things my child does not need.  I feel bad returning stuff that they chose, and it's not my money and they need it more than I do.  Should I say something, or let them keep spending?

"Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry."
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