2nd Trimester

Placenta partially blocking cervix-- Anyone else??

I had my A/S on Wed and today the tech called me and told me everything was perfect with baby girl (thank God) but that my placenta was low and was partically covering my cervix. She said no heavy lifting and no intercourse until my 30 wk apointment (sorry honey) where they will re-do the test to check it out. She also said it might cause bleeding so if I have any type of bleeding to go into urgent care to have it checked out but that hopefully it should move on it's own if not then I have no chance of a vaginal birth and would have to schedule a c-section. I really wanted to experience the whole vaginal birth thing but if it's not possible then whatever is best for me and baby then I will do.

Has anyone had this with previous pregnancies or currently has this? She didn't seem too concerned about it so that makes me feel a bit better but I had never heard of this so I am just wondering if it's common and if there is a chance of it moving on it's own. TIA

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