3rd Trimester

Please don't take this the wrong way but.....

I don't know how anyone can go through the labor and delivery process without meds.  I keep reading about all these ladies that have had drug free births and I can't imagine doing that.  I have two LO's at home and had an epi with both.  I was in so much pain, the epi was so nice.  It allowed me to relax and rest and then my body progressed so much faster after that.  Before getting the epi I could barely breath.  Kudos to all of you that have had a med free birth and for those planning to have one.  I don't know where you get your will power from! 

I think not getting to the hospital in time for my epi is my biggest delivery fear (for all three pregnancies). 

 Good luck ladies! I hope you all have the labor and delivery that you imagined for yourselves! As for me I will be getting the epi : )

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