Austin Babies

Party help--how much food?

DD's birthday party is next weekend.  So far we have 8 kids confirmed, with siblings and parents invited as well.  We also have 8 more from her class at school that have not rsvp'd either way.  So I have a huge swing in the potential number of people that could show up. 

We're doing a lunch time party, and the main entree will be chik fil a nugget trays.  I'll also have pasta salad, pita chips and hummus, fruit and veggie trays, and snacks like goldfish and pretzels, along with cake, of course.  

I'm considering ordering 2 large nugget trays, for a total of 400 nuggets.  Am I crazy, or does that sound reasonable?  Will I be eating chicken nuggets for a week?  Smile

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