3rd Trimester

39 weeks pregnant and having...(TMI)

Im a FTM, Im 39 weeks pregnant. I am 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced and baby is almost completely dropped. (I know this pretty much means nothing, I just figured the more information the better.)  and so the whole labor thing is new to me. Ok for the past two weeks I have been having some discharge, nothing to freak out over. My dr. said I could possibly losing my mucus plug over time. I have been having slight contractions...nothing huge, not even consistant enough to time. I have been having a ton of menstrual cramping though. But again, dr. said nothing to worry about, all is normal.

Today my panties were wet. Not soaked and it wasnt mucus either. It didnt smell like urine, but it wasnt that much, not enough to soak a pad or even soak through my jeans. Im just curious, is this normal? Should I call my dr? Or is this just my body getting ready for labor thing?
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