
Any "morbidly obese" C/S stories?

You can PM me if you don't want to post...I know weight can be a sensitive topic.  I'd like to hear from moms who are 300+ like me.

If you are a big mom and had a c/s, what was your experience like?  I've seen c/s on tv and read about the risks for obese women and it frankly sounds terrifying they way they have to tape up the gut flap and kind of "go in blind" because they can't feel the landmarks as easily for cutting. 

How was your recovery?  If I get a c/s, my incision will be under the gut fat pouch and I'm worried about infection and hernias.

I may need to have a c/s for fetal size.  This would only be in a "failure to progress" or "fetal distress" situation - not scheduled as I am planning to attempt vaginal.

I am planning on a trial labor (my OB is on board for attempting vaginal if things are progressing), but if I go to my 39w induction he may be as big as 11+ pounds (according to current MFM level II estimates).  I have a "proven pelvis" for a 9 pounder...but this baby could be even bigger.  His belly is currently measuring 2cm larger than his head, so shoulder dystocia is a definite possibility if he continues to grow like he has been - although we aren't in a "high risk" situation yet.

I'm just trying to gather information so I am as informed as possible when the time comes to make decisions.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
TTC #1 13 cycles, CP 6/09, TTC #2 1 cycle
CDing, EP'd for 13 months for #1, BFing for #2
Pregnancy Hypertension - inductions at 39w, I grow big babies: DD was 9 pounds 1 ounce 22 inches, DS was 11 pounds even 22 inches - both vaginal deliveries
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